Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Nonsense in My Life

This is why I find pleasure in collecting nonsense - I like to see things out of their original context. Things, especially the small ones, that are usually lost in a sea of other things - when you pick them out and give them space, you give them individuality and dignity.

Somehow I feel collecting needs fate and chemistry. There must be a reason why you fall in love with some things and decide to include them in your life. Why they are junks to others but keepers to you. Or maybe there is something connecting you with the previous owners?

I found this little (I don't know what to call it) thing in Bermondsey Market in London. It now sits on a shelf together with all the other strange little things I've collected over the years.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

okay, did this beautiful thing come with those cards on it???

that is quite possibly one of the most amazing things i have ever seen :)