Monday, November 27, 2006

My Most Prolific Sketching Moments

There was a period (about the same time "Stripe" was conceived) when I had a big habit of sketching. I would use pencils and papers profusely to reproduce the photographs of faces I saw in books and magazines.

It's harder to find time and patience to draw so passionately these days. And I do miss feeling intense and focused.

These sketches I'm sharing here are all at least 5 year old. I have quite a bit stashed in some corner.

Sketch of a bald man from Street magazine

sketch of a photograph of a model in a magazine

sketch of a photograph of a fashionable man in Street magazine

sketch of a photograph of a model

My Favorite Position of a Figure

I love drawing figures in this position - sitting and slouching.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Chairs on a Date

A random drawing with inspirations plucked out of nowhere. Should I give it a story?

So Floral

Floral prints are hardly my style... but okay to expriment with.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Seems like I'm sidetracking a little from the main theme of this blog again...well, I need to indulge myself a bit now and then.

I'm a "Junkie"

People amassed wealth, I collect a lot of junks. Not that I don't like wealth, yes I DO! But these junk keep hindering me from getting richer. I could have walked away every time they crossed my path. But I didn't. My resistance was low.